ServerlessConf'18 in San Francisco - Day Two
So yesterday was Day 2 at the ServerlessConf in San Francisco.
It started very well with a passionate speaker: Simon Wardley (@swardley), who presented a practical strategic and business approach that leads to Serverless and Functions.
He has developed a concept of mapping or more precisely Value-Chain Mapping that looks really powerful and I will spend some time studying it and playing with it. I think it can be very valuable to my work and should be applicable in different fields.
Simon Wardley at ServerlessConf
The second presenter was ACloudGuru CEO and Co-Founder, Sam Kroonenburg. Very good talk, more practical than the previous as he explained the company journey on serverless. They built their website entirely on Serverless technologies. I saw it already on-line from a previous conference, still, it was good.
In particular, the stats are impressive, it costs them nothing for such a popular website!
ACloudGuru’s stats and spending
Then, we had other good speakers sharing best practices around Serverless and selling their products.
I had the opportunity to talk with different solutions architects and cloud vendors. I had several architectural questions regarding the App I am building and I could not find someone with all the answers.
However, I got good guidance and I think as Sam said you have to be a pioneer if you go serverless. There are many concepts that are so new that there are still very few people with the required experience.
Overall, it was a great conference. I have learned a lot and also it confirmed some of my choices. There is a revolution in the app development and this is Serverless!
The serverless Framework team shared interesting views on the conference on their blog too.